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How To Install Starcraft 2 Maps

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After reformatting my laptop and reinstalling StarCraft II so I am no longer able to play vs the AI as it shows 'No Content Found'. Anyone know how to fix this? Blizzard tech support isn't responding to my ticket. Tutorial: How To Install Starcraft 2 Custom Campaigns (Mass Recall and More!) How to Install Custom SC2 Maps. 410 views 0 0 Share.

  1. How To Download Starcraft
  2. How To Install Starcraft 2 Maps
  3. How To Install Starcraft 2 Maps Download

So lately I've been really obsessed with reinforcement learning, and finding that DeepMind open-sourced the StarCraft II reinforcement learning environment to the public got me excited.

I'm a big fan of Blizzard games, especially StarCraft II, so I saw the RL environment as a great opportunity to learn and also just have a lot of fun.

After talking to some friends about this, I decided write up an intro tutorial for setting up the environment and training some models.


  • IntelliJ ( or PyCharm)
  • Python3
  • StarCraft II (even Starter Pack is working)
  • GIT

This tutorial is based on Mac environment.

On today's article, we'll run training scripts to solve the CollectMineralShards mini-game using Deep Q-Network.

When we run the training script, you can see the training result like below.

Tutorial Outline

1) Install pysc2

2) Star & Fork pysc2-examples

3) Clone pysc2-examples repository

4) Download mini-games StarCraft II Maps

5) Install Tensorflow, baselines libraries

6) Open the project with IntelliJ ( or PyCharm )

7) Run the training script

8) Run the pre-trained model

Let's start!

1) Install pysc2

First of all, we'll install pysc2 library.

You can just type the commands on the terminal.

(Since we are using python3, you have to type pip3)

pip3 install pysc2

Then you have your pysc2 installed.

2) Star & Fork pysc2-examples

Next, open the Github link below.

It's the most important step! Star my repository ;)

And fork it!

3) Clone pysc2-examples repository

Okay, let's clone the project.

You can clone this repository with this simple command.

git clone

Then you will see ‘pysc2-examples' directory on your computer.

4) Download mini-games StarCraft II Maps

Before running the training script, we have to download mini-games maps. And save these maps to StarCraft II/Maps directory.

I'm a mac user, and this is my StarCraft II maps location

/Applications/StarCraft II/Maps/mini_games

If you are a Windows user, use can save the maps in StarCraft II/Maps/mini_games directory.

For Linux users, save the maps in ~/StarCraft II/Maps/mini_games directory.

5) Install Tensorflow, baselines libraries

We need some more libraries! We need the Google Tensorflow and OpenAI baselines libraries.

You can install these libraries by typing the commands below.

pip3 install tensorflow
pip3 install baselines

I implemented the reinforcement model using OpenAI's baselines library. Since OpenAI's baselines library depends on Tensorflow we need to install Tensorflow.I think OpenAI's baselines is the most beautiful implementation of Deep Q-Network, which is why i'm using it!

I expect most of you reading this article to already have installed Tensorflow library :)

6) Open the project with IntelliJ ( or PyCharm )

By typing the commands below, the training will be started.


Quick note! I strongly recommend that you develop your reinforcement learning on IDE(Integrated Development Environment). This is because I'm going to explain the detail environment variables using Debug mode :) I'm currently running this project on IntelliJ.

Execute IntelliJ or PyCharm. And open the project folder which we cloned.

How To Download Starcraft

And let's set the Project Structure.

Select [File > Project Structure] menu.

How To Install Starcraft 2 Maps

And select Python3 SDK on Module SDK. If you cannot find the SDK, click [New..] button and add your python3 binary.

7) Run the training script

And then, let's run the trainig script.

Right click the and select [Run 'train_mineral_shards'] menu.

Then you will see the logs on the console while executing StarCraft II.

This is the brief explanation of console logs.

  • steps : The number of commands that we sent to marines.
  • episodes : The number of games that we played.
  • mean 100 episode reward : mean rewards of last 100 episodes.
  • mean 100 episode min… : mean minerals of last 100 episodes.
  • % time spent exploring : The percentage of Exploring (Exploration & Exploit)

Currently I set the train script to run 20,000,000 steps.

(It takes soooooo much time, so if you want to run on your laptop, I'd recommend you to set the training steps to 500,000 something)

8) Run the pre-trained model

I coded the program to save the trained model to the mineral_shards.pkl file after all the training steps.'mineral_shards.pkl')

If you want to use this pre-trained model, you can just execute enjoy script :)

Right click the and select [Run 'enjoy_mineral_shards'] menu.

Then you can see the pre-trained agent of CollectMineralShards map.


How To Install Starcraft 2 Maps Download

On this article, I just introduced the way you set your environment and train the model.

Future Tutorials

  • Understand the Deep Q-Network algorithm
  • Understand the StarCraft II Environment (Observations & Actions)
  • The way I developed Deep Q-Network on StarCraft II mini-games.
  • Maps
  • Resources
  • Articles
  • Media
  • Replays
  • Community Sites
Starcraft 1 map editor
  • Hey there, I was just wondering where exactly in my starcraft files all over my computer to install these files

    Posted 2010-02-20
  • I think they have to be in the appropriate folder, there's tutorials out there, but I don't have them off hand.

    They're stored in a weird structure right now, which is:

    I'm hoping this becomes easier when the map editor is released.

    Posted 2010-02-20
  • I put the directory structure listed above in both the

    C:Documents and SettingsUSERNAMEApplication DataCahce..

    and also in the

    C:Documents and SettingsUSERNAMELocal SettingsApplication DataCache..

    and neither appears to work.

    Posted 2010-02-21
  • Ya htere's also another directory, the My Documents/Starcraft II Beta/Maps/Cache//some file.bin

    Posted 2010-02-21
  • same here, not working. How to get autotune fl studio.

    Posted 2010-02-25
  • Put in the maps folder and use the LazyLauncher to pick which map you want

    Posted 2010-03-05
  • im also having trouble, i have SC2Allin1 and i click add more maps or download mor maps. I download them it directs me to Owner>Downloads>. i try to go to add more files and it isnt where i put it. I have no idea where to put this stupid map file.

    Posted 2010-03-12
  • What is the problem? Are you trying to play the maps or watch replays?
    For me it worked like a charm to put the maps in C:UsersYOUR NAMEAppDataLocalBlizzard EntertainmentBattle.netCacheDownload

    Posted 2010-03-12
  • im trying to add maps and it directs me to that file location. should i create a new file and add it there? or simply look for the right file? i just have no idea where to save this damn map.

    Posted 2010-03-12
  • If you just want to play it, just open it with lazylauncher. Doesn't matter where you put it.

    Posted 2010-03-12
  • how do i get lazy launcher? i went on a few sites to see where to get it but didnt want to pay to be a member for it.

    Posted 2010-03-12
  • On this verry site:

    Posted 2010-03-12
  • thanks for the link

    Posted 2010-03-14
  • I'm having trouble following this thread
    Can somebody please give me step by step instructions on installing new maps?

    Posted 2010-08-10
  • @skitz - there are two ways to install maps for use with your starcraft 2 client.

    [1] you could do it manually. copy and paste the maps to your starcraft 2 user profile directory.

    e.g. for windows 7, the directory is at:

    c:users[user name]My DocumentsStarcraft IIMaps


    [2] User [Lazy Launcher]sc2allin1 and Import the maps from a directory (ADD MAPS FROM FOLDER). You can now use these maps for skirmish.

    Posted 2010-08-10
  • i have trouble with this to, i followed your steps kenji and it didn't work for the manual way im not sure where to download the lazy launcher.

    Posted 2010-08-10
  • thanks kenji
    do you happen to know the directory for windows xp though?

    Posted 2010-08-11
  • @kenjikenken this is NOT LazyLauncher! :P

    its sc2allin1 and can be found in the resources area.

    This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.- Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
    Posted 2010-08-11
  • @vernam7 - oh sorry. i've been on a zerg killing spree all night so my mind's a bit shaken. yes indeed, this is sc2allin1.

    Posted 2010-08-11
  • @skitz - in windows xp, the starcraft 2 user directory should be in your my documents.

    by default, the user documents folder is at

    c:documents and settingsmy documentsstarcraft IImaps

    Posted 2010-08-11
  • I have the full version, working and everything, ecept for the maps, ¿how can i install maps on the full, not the beta?

    Posted 2010-08-13
  • have u tried doing the stuff mentioned above?

    Posted 2010-08-14
  • Doesn't work..

    Posted 2010-08-14
  • insane сложность просто жопа!!!!!!!!!!!вообще нереально компа убить)))))))))))))

    Posted 2010-08-15
  • How do you install maps on the full retail version?

    Posted 2010-08-15
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